Qualities Of A Great Accounting Intern – Public Accounting

So you’ve landed that first accounting internships! Congratulations! Getting the internship is half the battle. If you’ve made it this far, you have successfully gotten your foot in the door and are on your way to having a successful career.

So, now that you’re in the door, how do you get to the next important step of landing a full-time job offer? That’s right, it’s very common for public accounting interns to extend full-time offers to return after an intern has finished up their college coursework. Now, while many firms are happy to extend offers, there are a few important things that you should do to stand out and make sure that offer comes your way. Let’s dive in to a few of those things that you should be doing in order to make the most of your accounting internship.

#1 – Be Likeable

This may be a bit more difficult for the introverts reading this article, but one of the most vital tips for having a successful internship is by speaking up, and getting others to like you. At the end of the day, you haven’t been chosen for your position because of any amazing technical ability. In fact, most of you probably have little to none actual experience in the world of accounting. And as you will probably quickly figure out, while school technical knowledge is essential in understanding the theory behind what you’re doing, it will not be enough to know how to do the job. With that being said, you will not be judged on your technical abilities. They think you know nothing! And that’s ok!

Instead, take opportunities to get to know the people you’ll be working with on a day to day basis. Also take time to get to know other people in your office. The more people that remember your name once they begin to sit down and discuss who will get an offer, the better. Interns who hide away and say little, tend to not do as well, as those who are able to interact well with others. Be friendly, speak up, and try to make genuine connections with those you meet along the way.

#2 – Be Teachable

An internship is all about having time to learn on the job. Again, nobody expects you to have all the answers. However, what will be super important is that you show that you’re teachable. Show an eagerness to learn and a curiosity for what is going on. Take notes. I promise you, I promise you, I promise you that no matter how much you think that you’ll remember everything being taught and said by whoever is training you, you will forget. It will happen. Just except this now. So please take notes. There is nothing more frustrating for someone who is doing the teaching then to have to explain a concept 10 times over. Don’t be that person!

Apart from taking notes and being eager to learn, also be willing to ask questions. Asking questions in itself is a skill to learn. You will need to learn the balance of trying to figure out things on your own to take initiative, and being willing to ask questions if something is taking awhile. You want to show that you’re willing to find your own solutions to problems, while not wasting time spinning your wheels on a task all day that should have been done hours ago.

#3 – Be Humble

I recently met an intern who seemed to know all the answers. I didn’t work with this individual myself, but I often overheard this person speaking and being trained with their team. It seemed that each time someone was trying to explain a task, she always wanted to cut in, question the explanation, or insist that she already understood, or even that what the trainer was saying was incorrect. It’s definitely true that no accountant is perfect and Senior and Manager accountants too will make mistakes, but just remember, that nobody likes to be put down or belittled by someone that they are trying to teach. Plus, more than likely, it will be you that’s in the wrong. And even if it’s not, remember to be humble and open minded, this goes hand in hand with being teachable above. Nobody wants a know-it-all intern!

#4 – Be a Sponge

Absorb everything. Take notes, listen closely, ask questions, and try not to get frustrated if it doesn’t all make sense right away. Remember, your job as an intern is to absorb as much information as possible while expectations are low, so that once you become a full-time staff, you will have the tools, knowledge, and confidence necessary to be a great professional in your given area of focus.

#5 – Take Initiative

Just a quick note about initiative, if you can, volunteer for opportunities and tasks if you think you can handle it. Everyone loves a team player! Of course, some things may be out of your reach do to your level of understanding and expertise, but be willing to stretch a bit, and take on new tasks. Offer to take on new assignments, and help complete tasks. It will help you stand out above those around you.

Also, have fun! It will probably be a bit stressful, but just remember, you got this! And you’ll be able to soon look back and see how much you’ve grown and learned in just a short time. And then eventually, you’ll be the one guiding along those interns!