Top 10 Reasons to Consider A Career In Accounting

There are many factors when considering a career in accounting. Below, I’ve listed 10 great points to consider when evaluating whether accounting is right for you. Every person’s experience will be slightly different of course, but these are some of the perks that I’ve most enjoyed in my own career thus far.

1) Opportunity To Learn More About Businesses

One of the reasons why I myself chose accounting as a career was for the opportunity to learn more about businesses. It has been said that accounting is the “language” of business. Every business involves the #s in one form or another, from tracking revenues and expenses, to tracking inventory and profits, accounting is the backbone of any company. As an accountant, you have the opportunity to see the behind the scenes of individual companies and industries and really see what drives them, and which are the most successful. I personally come from a family of small business owners, and this has always fascinated me. If this is something that fascinates you as well, it might be one good reason to consider accounting as a career.

2) A Good Stepping Stone To Becoming An Entrepreneur

Those who are considering the option of starting their own business one day, may enjoy the skill set that a career in accounting has to offer. Accountants who seek degrees in accounting take a variety of courses that teach about financial statements and other key business practices that make an excellent foundation for someone who wants to start a business. Plus, getting an accounting job in an industry that you are considering starting a business in, could help you determine if that industry is right for you.

3) Respected Profession

This one may be a bit “shallow” to some, but I think many of us would admit that telling people that you are an accountant has a nice ring to it. Accountants are a trusted career by businesses and the general public. While I wouldn’t consider this to be something at the top of your list, having a profession that you are proud to tell people about is an added bonus in my book.

4) Good Earning Potential For The Amount Of Education Needed

Do to the vast range of accounting opportunities available, the educational requirements also very greatly. However, generally speaking, accountants have the opportunity to make good wages, at any education level. One great example of this is if you go into public accounting. Public accounting careers usually only require a bachelors degree. There are many opportunities for advancement in this career, including promotions every few years or so from obtaining experience alone. These promotions sometimes bring along pay increases of 20% or more for some firms and locations. Having an increase in salary every couple of years, without needing to earn additional degrees is a huge advantage in my book. I work in the public sphere myself and have really seen the value in those promotional increases based on experience alone.

5) Work From Home Opportunities

Most accounting jobs involve working on a computer all day. These jobs usually require minimal necessity to be in the office. Now, many accounting jobs still do require you to go to the office, but the amount of remote work in this area has been increasing over the last few years, especially after experiences with the global pandemic. If work from home, or hybrid models are a high selling point for you, then this is a major perk.

6) Lots of Jobs Available

Accounting is a growing profession and there are more accounting jobs available then there are accountants. The accounting profession is growing more and more each year, therefore, you can expect a lot of stability in this career field.

7) Lots of Different Types of Accounting Jobs to Choose From

The opportunities in accounting are endless. There are opportunities to work in public accounting in audit, tax, consulting, etc. There are opportunities working for the IRS. Or you can work for private companies doing a variety of different accounting tasks. There are also financial roles that also hire those with accounting backgrounds, and even opportunities to work for the FBI in Forensic Accounting, to name just a few.

8) Get Weekends/Holidays Off

This is one that often is taken for granted, but while accountants sometimes work long hours to meet tax or month-end deadlines, generally accounting is a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 kind of job. Most accountants usually have all the main holidays off and have the ability to enjoy their weekends.

9) Flexible Schedules

This one is subjective to where you work, but from personal experience working, most employers are ok with their accountants scheduling doctors’ appointments and other errands as needed during working hours and working with their schedules. This may be more applicable to those in public accounting, but generally if I decide to come in an hour later to the office and then stay an hour later to make up the time, nobody bats an eyelash. I’ve really appreciated the flexibility in this way. Again, this is a job-by-job perk, but definitely something to think about if you have a very strict time punch clock job that you are dying to move on from.

10) You Like Puzzles, Order, & Problem Solving

If you work in public accounting, you will have many problems to solve as you piece together client provided files for examination, or for tax returns. If you work for an individual company, there will be many questions that arise in your day-to-day tasks, that may require further observation and problem solving skills. If you like to “figure out how things piece together”, accounting may be something to consider. I also mention “Order” because that is something that accounting is all about. It’s not just about “Math”, rather, everything must be balanced, everything has a debit and a credit. Understanding the flow of accounting and financial reporting can be interesting. If this sounds interesting to you as well, this might be another reason to consider joining the club.

Are you ready to start a challenging, yet rewarding career in accounting?